Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Oh-h-h! Have you ever thought you needed to get rid of "stuff." That's what downsizsing is all about. Most often I hear older couples or "empty nesters" commenting on this need. It's true that taking care of a home gets more difficult as we age or a large home may no longer seem economical. Unfortunately, downsizing is not easy. Why not? Because we become emotionally attached to our belongings and we realize "something has got to go." Faced with the reality of having a thousand or so less square feet of space the end result is to recognize "I just can't part with my formal dining room suite," or "I need ("want") all those tools; I can't do with a smaller garage and I just must have a shop." Yes, it is a reality check and hard work to downsize. So, older homeowners need to confront this issue early. If you decide to downsize you really need to get started on this project a year in advance of making your move.

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