Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Cheer!

Good news, today! The National Association of Realtors (NAR) reported that the November sales of existing homes across America was an increase of 7.4% over October. Why? It's believed to be a result of falling prices, comparatively low historical mortgage rates, and first time home buyers trying to qualify for the tax credit,which was originally scheduled to expire on November 30th. The tax credit has been extended and in all probability will be a boon to sales through part of 2010.

Also, good news -- Christmas is upon us! This is a special time of the year, and like Thanksgiving we should reflect on how fortunate we are to be Americans. Unlike many people in the world we have the freedom to worship God as we choose and to belong to the church we prefer.

At my house we decorate our grandfather clock each year and call it "the Christmas Clock." Some years my wife and I have even put our presents beneath it. the picture with this post is our Christmas Clock. From my house to yours -- Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

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