Monday, September 14, 2009


You've got it! I've got it! Stuff! Treasures! Junque!

I was looking back at newsletters I used to write before the days of "blogging." In 2002 I wrote the following, based on something I had seen on CBS Market Watch. "The average homeowner has so much 'stuff' that 25 minutes a day is spent just looking for things. In a years time we spend a week looking for 'stuff.' Obviously, we are very well off compared to so many citizens of other countries and this is just one more indicator."

So, the point in revisiting this issue is that all those extra 'treasures' around the house often result in clutter. Don't let it build up, especially if you are considering the sale of your home. Clutter makes your home look smaller and it is distracting to purchasers. So, purchasers pay heed, and in the future don't let this happen to you. Sellers you need to clean up, discard 'stuff' as appropriate, or move extra treasures to a storage location.

Glad I could help!

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