Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What is Most Important?

OK, OK, already! Everything is important to a buyer. But, if you are a buyer, trade offs are the reality because most homes are not going to have everything you want within the price you want to pay. So, to the extent possible decide in advance what your "must haves" are. For example, it may be four bedrooms, but a three car garage, though desirable, isn't essential. For most buyers, kitchens and bathrooms seem to be the most important considerations. Enough baths and what comprises them may be important -- for example, a glamour bath or regular bath features. Kitchens -- well, after all, much of a families time is spent there even in this day of fast food and the seeming difficulty for many families to come together at meal times. In the kitchen there are five features that seem to be most important to purchasers, although not universally so. Five such most wanted "wants" in kitchens were featured in the May/June 2009 issue of the Residential Specialist magazine. Depending upon the age of the home and where it resides in the buyer's affordable price range the least likely of the five "wants" to be found in this market are Drinking Water Filtration and Special-Use Storage for Appliances. A separately installed drinking water infiltration system is not something that should be difficult for the home buyer to self install. For your information, the five most desired kitchen features are: Walk-in Pantry (86%), Kitchen Island (80%), Built-in Microwave (72%), Drinking Water filtration (69%), Special-Use Storage for Appliances (66%). Happy house hunting!

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