Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have much to be thankful for, and I hope each of you can say the same. Today,
November 26th, has been restful and "filling" as my wife and I enjoyed the holiday with friends, and we ate our share of Turkey. I read recently that Turkey can make a person feel sleepy. It sure worked on me. There is a hormone in Turkey, according to the article, as I recall, named Triptophyn (or something like that). It is supposed to make one drowsy. Of course that Turkey had some help. Let's see -- there was also dressing, and some ham, sweet potato souffle, fried apples, jellied cranberry, and to top it off, pumkin pie. Just thought I would wake up from this nap long enough to share. Best wishes to you as we start the holiday shopping season and celebrate Christmas and the New Year.

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